
diamond diva princess

YOUR christening into MY SUPREME INDOCTRINATION of merciless test subject MK ULTRA mindwash

DESCRIPTION: Incorporating the ancient method of Chinese Water Torture, each word I speak within this mesmerism mindwash session will be firmly embedded within your mind as the EMPHASIS of each and every DRIP DROP tone of the famous WATER METHOD infiltrates your bbrainn. Thousands of years old, the method of this ancient chinese secret NEVER FAILS.. and now THE WHITE ANGLO-SAXON PRINCESS will exploit this knowledge for HER SUPERIOR BENEFIT.

DRIP DROP DRIP DROP as you completely IMMERSE yourself in the DIAMOND DIVA PRINCESS streaming consciousness, drifting along the resonant water that is MY VOICE as your christening into MY SUPREME INDOCTRINATION of merciless test subject MK ULTRA mindwash. If you are tempted to buy one of My mesmerism mp3′s THIS IS that one. Buy it and become baptized into pure fervent devotion, where you will crave MORE & MORE.. chase the Dragon! THE groundwork for everything else is laid in this majestic masterpiece of intricate mind invasion, My TRUTH serum.

Repent and be BAPTIZED


Price: $125.00